then goal difference and goals scored between them

admin 2024-02-23 阅读:27 评论:0
  Standings:All-time full, half-time, home and away data for different seasons.   Match data:Historical match data fo...

  Standings:All-time full, half-time, home and away data for different seasons.

  Match data:Historical match data for different seasons, including scores, odds, corners, handicaps, over/under, red and yellow cards, and other live match details.

  Football Player Data:Player records, including goals scored, clean sheets and passes.

  Serie A, consisting of 20 clubs, is operated as a double round-robin tournament (each club plays the others twice at home and away). Teams receive three points for a win and one point for a draw. No points are awarded for a loss. Teams are ranked by total points, then goal difference and goals scored between them, and then in the league.The top four teams in the Serie A qualify straight to the UEFA Champions League next season. Team finishing fifth qualify for the UEFA Europa League and the sixth ranked club go to the qualifiers of Europa League (the winner of Coppa Italia can also play in the Europa League; if the winner has already qualified for the UCL, then its place will be passed to the highest ranked team in the league who has not qualified). If the champions of UCL and Europa League are from Serie A and both have not qualified for UCL through the league, the fourth ranked team enter the Europa League next season. There are three teams each for promotion and relegation this season. The three lowest-placed teams are relegated to Serie B.

then goal difference and goals scored between them

then goal difference and goals scored between them





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